Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hell: The PowerPoint

How ever did this Grand Republic survive for nearly two hundred years without Middle Management? Surely that has to rank with the building of the pyramids and the carvings on Easter Island as one of the great mysteries of life.  To think there was even a functioning economy without PowerPoint... Boggles the mind.

Even today, the world's last Superpower seems to get along just fine with only one Vice President. That's just crazy talk!

We have 12!

And that's just in Marketing!

And I get to meet them all tomorrow, as our Benevolent Overlords have flown in for a "Meet 'n Greet"...

..."Dog and Pony Show"...

..."Bread and Circuses"...

Choose your metaphor.  Whatever it is, I'm driving in for it, like it or not.

You have to forgive my child-like wonderment of the ways of corporate America.  I come from the Entertainment Industry, which operates more like a whorehouse.  Deals are made with a handshake and a drinking binge, and there's no misunderstanding that can't be smoothed over with hookers and blow.  Especially if you work for Disney.

So this should prove to be interesting.  And informative.

And everyone who knows me knows I live to learn!