Sunday, July 8, 2012

It’s The Water. And So Much More.

It seems impolite to even mention it, being newcomers and all, but...

the water here stinks.

And I mean... stinks.

I first noticed it days after we moved in when I did a load of laundry. As I pulled the clothes out of the washer to transfer them into the dryer, I held them close and smelled... industrial solvents.  That's the closest analogy I could come to.  I washed the clothes again and when I pulled them out, same thing.

I assumed a cigarette lighter had been left in a pocket and broken, spilling butane into the wash water, an occupational hazard of being a smoker.  A few dozen fabric sheets would solve the problem and I left it that.

And then, a few weeks later, we opted to replace the cheap rental shower head in the master bathroom with something a bit more deluxe, something with actual settings.  One of which was "mist".

Dear God.  It turned the shower into a gas chamber.  Seriously, a minute more and the coroner would have been involved.  I had to open all the windows to air the house out.

I haven't a clue what the issue is.  I grew up only a few miles from here and don't remember any water issues.  Then again, my folks are life-long soft water enthusiasts, so maybe there's something to be said for filtering your water through 500 pounds of salt.