Friday, June 22, 2012

Lucky Duckies

We certainly aren't any strangers to living around wildlife.  We've always been surrounded by all manner of critters, either at our former home in the hills or the cabin in the mountains.    Or even during our unfortunate exile in Dogpatch, if you count the cockroaches.  So it comes as no surprise that even here in Orange County we'd come in contact with the local fauna.  But I never thought it would be... ducks!

We must be on some sore of mallard flyway, although I have no memory of ducks from my childhood.  When we moved here in March I was startled to hear them and see them flying overhead.  A few days later I found their not so secret hideout, the condo pool.  Dozens of them floating in chlorinated bliss.  Don't think I'll be using the pool anytime soon.

Yesterday I took the dogs our for their afternoon walk and as we approached the front door I heard an incessant, tiny, squeaking.  Then suddenly, from under a bush, marched five tiny yellow ducklings, the size of tennis balls.  They were marching in a single file line, the one in front making all the noise.  There wasn't a mama anywhere in sight.

They started towards us in slow, lazy S-turns and I thought to myself "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen", forgetting about the dogs.  The jerk of the leashes snapped me out of my Disney moment.  The dogs didn't think the ducklings were cute; they thought they were snacks and it took some effort to hustle them back into the house.

I watched the ducklings meander past through the blinds.  I have to admit, I was worried about them.  Should I call Animal Control?  What if they were hit by a car?  I went back out to check on them and they had turned a corner and appeared to be happily headed for the pool in a cheery little conga line.  It was like being at the Peabody Hotel.  I have to admit, it made my day.

I always thought the "Ducks" was a stupid name for the hockey team here, but it appears I was just ignorant of the duck abundance in Northern Orange County.  My bad.