Monday, June 4, 2012

The Neighbors

Well, we've lived here almost three months and we've yet to meet any of our neighbors.

Actually, that's not entirely true, I've met one, Linda On Disability.  Or maybe it's Lindaondisability.  I'm not sure how she spells it, but that's how she introduced herself..."Hi, I'm Linda, on disability."  She's probably in her late 40's and putters around the complex in a faded and worn housecoat and fuzzy slippers.  She's extremely friendly or heavily medicated.  Or both.

But other than that, the people here are pretty standoffish.  I don't think that's an Orange County thing, I think it's just the way of the world these days.  Our neighbors back in LA weren't all that friendly and neither were the hicks in the sticks.  Back in 2009, as the day for our move into exile approached,  I decided it was unhealthy to fixate on all the horrible aspects of it and instead try and focus on the positive, such as they were.  So I stopped Googling the Hemlock Society and tried to imagine the good things we could expect.  High on that very short list were the kind and gentle country folk, known for being warm and generous.  I imagined us being invited to ice cream socials or square dances or hootenannies or whatever the fuck those people do and forming lifelong friendships.

Never happened.  We were essentially shunned from the day we moved in.

So, I'm not all surprised no one's rolled out the Welcome Wagon for us here.  And after meeting Linda On Disability, that's probably for the best.