Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Things That Go Bang In The Night

There's something oddly comforting about the dull thuds of the nightly Disneyland fireworks.  It must be an Orange County thing.  I imagine in many parts of the world the sound of muffled explosions nearby in the dark would be anything but comforting, but that's how it goes here.

Like clockwork, around 9:40 every night, you can hear what sounds like a small scale war.  When was a child, they used to go off earlier, just before 9:00.  I grew up a few miles north of the Park and I remember my parents sending us to bed around 8:30 and then drifting off to sleep to sound of the explosions.  We used to actually be able to see them from the backyard, but over the years, the trees matured and blocked the view and all we were left with was the sounds.  Or occasionally, when the cloud deck is low, bright bursts of glowing color.

I was hoping when we moved here we'd be able to see them, but sadly the view is blocked by a hill.  Although, when I hear them, I can still picture them in my mind.  I suppose that's enough.