Friday, June 29, 2012

To Twit Or Not To Twit

God help us... the boyfriend discovered Twitter.

That iPhone is proving to be a Pandora's Box.  Before he had it he was completely content to be a digital Luddite.  Now, not so much.

First it was the texting.  I don't get texting; either call me or email me.  Why the hell do I want to be constantly tiny-typing on my phone when I have a perfectly good human-sized keyboard sitting in front of me?

Then, last week it was Facetime, Apple's video calling feature.  In one sense it was great for him because he was able to chat and see his best friend in Hawaii who he doesn't get to see nearly as often as he'd like.  But do I really need a video conference to tell me to pick up some coffee at the market?  Plus, there's absolutely no way to hold the phone so you don't look like Jabba the Hut.

And now... Twitter.  I signed up for Twitter years ago and never use it.  I'm not much of a follower, which kind of defeats the whole purpose.  I have enough ways to waste time without adding yet another and there's no one I find fascinating enough to want to see their every 140 character thought.  But the boyfriend is now hooked.  When I asked him which world leaders and deep thinkers he was now following he informed me that he's following all the "Real Housewives".  Oy vey.

Let's just hope and pray he doesn't discover Pinterest.